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发布日期:2019-09-30 作者:













①晚间及时归寝。②注意人身财产安全,房间内不要放大额现金,外出请注意锁门,关好电源、水龙头、煤气阀门。③注意饮食卫生,严防食物中毒。④请随身携带留学生证,出入校门须出示。⑤紧急时可拨打保卫处电话2960110或报警电话110 。


王琳琳老师:15541222139 萌老师:13998001901

崔慧颖老师:15504920870 逸老师:18641230203


刘老师: 18104121680 岳老师:13050087067



Tips for National Day Holiday

The National Day Holiday last from 1st October to 7th October. Classes start on 8th October . Please schedule your vacation properly and return to the uni on time.Below are some tips for you to spend a happy holiday.              

1.Since this year we celebrate the 70th birthday of People Republic of China. There will be various of events among this holiday. Students who participate in various activities to gain an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture should avoid participating in any illegal activities to ensure the safety of personal property.

2. International students shall not be employed during staying in China, or engage in other business activities.

3.Do not join in intemperance. It is an undesirable behaviour.

4. Pay attention to electricity safety. Electronic products, heaters are the cause of many fires. Please keep inflammable and explosive materials away from fire sources. It is strictly

forbidden to use high-power appliances in the bedroom (fast-heater, heating rods, etc.)

5. Pay attention to traffic safety and avoid motor vehicles; do not drive motor vehicles and motorcycles without a Chinese government-licensed driver's license.

6. If there is any change of contact information, please inform the class teacher and the International Student Administration Office.

7. Tips for travelling: A. Please bring your passport and keep your passport carefully. In the situation of an emergency such as the loss of a passport, you can call 110. B. Try to travel or partner with the travel agency. C. Do not live in a hotel without a business license, and take care of your belongings. D. Do not take an unregistered taxi. E. Pay attention to food hygiene, do not drink too much.F Be aware of drowning.

8. Tips for students stay on campus: A. Students stay on campus shall go back to their dorm on time. B. Pay attention to personal and property safety, do not enlarge the amount of cash in the room, please lock the door, close the power supply, faucet, gas valve while leaving. C. Pay attention to food hygiene. D. Please bring your student ID card with you and you must show it at the school gate. E. In case of emergency, you can call the security office at 2960110 or the alarm phone 110.

9.If you have any problems during the holidays, please contact the teacher in charge of the class or the International Student Administration Office:

Wang Linlin: 15541222139 Zhang Meng: 13998001901

Cui Huiying: 15504920870 Han Yi : 18641230203

International student apartment 24-hour telephone

Mrs Liu: 18104121680 Mrs Yue13050087067

School of International Education

30th September 2019
